Saturday, October 23, 2010

End of Game End Game


Death of Raiding

One thing I’ve noticed from 2 expansions is what happens when the new expansion is about to be released. Raiding guilds either rush to finish content, or the exact opposite if its already finished. I’ve been in several kinds of guilds over the years, a 40-man raiding guild in vanilla, a couple 25-man guilds in Burning Crusade, and a 10-man “core” guild in WotLK, and several small, useless leveling guilds along the way. But every time an expansion is about to hit several things would happen.

The 40-man Vanilla Guild literally disintegrated overnight after about a month before BC. The 25man guild would have stayed together for the expansion but right before WotLK some guild drama(the great raid destroyer) caused half the guild to transfer. Thus the fractured group formed the 10-man “core” guild for Wrath, and became Kingslayers with Frostbrood Vanquishers. This time though, we had a guild discussion and we aren’t going to fix what ain’t broke. And keep it up in Cataclysm.

What to do in the absence of Raiding?

And now the fun part, sitting and waiting. With Cataclysm a little over a month away, people are handling the situation differently. My girlfriend is starting to get into PVP. I am working on achievements that either won’t be there in Cataclysm, or things I should have done a long time ago.

Recently, I picked up farming for mounts that won’t be there in Cataclysm. The Zulian tiger is a recent acquisition to my mount collection, as well as the Reins of the Raven Lord(although I think raven lord is sticking around since its part of BC). I really should get back to farming my Goblin reputation back to at least neutral.

Mainly, just hang tight. Get used to all the new talents, abilities, and system changes. Take it all in because on December 7th, everything changes…..AGAIN.

-The Mighty Moose

Shots of the week:


  1. The great guild destroyer huh? Pretty sure I remember it has officers not doing jack shit breaking up that guild but I could be wrong.

  2. Well...Baddie...if that is your REAL ID.
    The lack of officer activity did cause some drama within the guild. So, Officers doing jack shit > drama > great guild destroyer. Point and match <3

  3. We didn't merely do jack shit - we also showed favoritism to a subset of the raiders, get it right!
