Sunday, October 31, 2010

Hallowed Be My Name


Ah yes, Hallow’s Eve. When this holiday rolls around it means only one thing… TRICK OR TREATING! It doesn’t matter what level, what class, or how much you play the game, this holiday isn’t one to miss. Masks, mounts, gear, costumes, pets, and last but not least CANDY, this holiday event has it all. Oh…and a nifty title.

Nothing says “I’m Badass” more than a title next to your name when you strut your stuff around Dalaran (or insert favorite major city hangout). While not all of us can be Kingslayers or Light of Dawns(Grats Strife), everyone who is level 78+ can be <Your Name Here> The Hallowed.

Most of this holiday you spend defending Azeroth from the menacing Headless Horseman and hoping to get an evil pumpkin as a pet or an oversized gourd to use as a helmet. Otherwise you will be spending a couple hours moving from inn to inn trick or treating all over Azeroth and Outlands, throwing pumpkins onto peoples’ heads, and getting changed into costumes via wands.

In every starting zone’s major town, ie Brill, Razor Hill, Kharanos, etc, the Headless Horseman attacks and torches the town. It is your duty as a powerful adventurer to help and put out the fire with water buckets. Not only do you get an achievement, you learn that to fully defeat the heinous villain you must find and destroy his head, which resides inside the Scarlet Monastery.


The Headless Horseman

If you happen to be level 78 or higher you can queue using the dungeon finder or talk to a floating ghost in your favorite major city. He isn’t so hard to defeat currently. HH, as he is usually called, is a simple 2 part fight.

Phase 1: Mounted, casts conflagration on a target disorienting them and doing damage. When you take him down to 0% his head pops off and the body walks around confused and immune to damage.

Phase 2: Head is flying around. Focus all damage onto it until the head and body rejoin. Repeat phase 1 and 2 until dead, although on the second time the head and body rejoin, he also summons Pumpkin Soldiers.

Well that’s my quick and dirty guide to Hallow’s End. Good luck on getting your random loot drops from the bags, as well as your Horseman’s Reins for a cool Flying/Riding mount.

-The Mighty Moose

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